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€ 250

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13 oktober, 22:44

Slash fine art print silver signaturer Limited edition of 75 pieces were sold through Slash's official website (Guns N Roses guitarist)r These prints were shipped from China where the company/office where Slash's brother works is located.r r The signature is personally made by Slash himself with a silver marker and with the year 2019 added. The signature itself still looks perfect. The poster has some folds as can be seen in the third photo. However, framed you will not see much more of this.r r Photo four and five are the receipt papers and shipping confirmation of the lithograph. These also serve as proof of authenticity.r r The last photo shows how the poster was offered on the site with further details and the price at the time.r r A super cool item for a real fan of Slash, Guns N Roses or great guitarists!r r _____________________r r Slash fine art print silver signaturer Beperkte oplage van 75 stuks werden verkocht via de officiële website van Slash (gitarist Guns N Roses)r Deze prints werden verzonden vanuit China waar het bedrijf/kantoor waar de broer van Slash werkt zit.r r De handtekening is persoonlijk gezet door Slash zelf met zilvere stift en... lees verder bij Catawiki
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